Our economy is stronger when all have the opportunity to thrive as workers and entrepreneurs. Carl devoted his entire professional career to building healthy local economies and widely-shared economic opportunity. On the City Council, Carl will advocate for: 1) the expansion of living wage jobs (just as he did as a founder of the Durham Living Wage Project), 2) investments in education and training to address the skills gap, so more can access living wage jobs, and 3) investments in wealth-building, so that all households have the opportunity to build assets like homes, small businesses, and higher education. Read more in my position paper on shared prosperity.


All residents in Durham should have access to safe, affordable housing. Carl has first-hand experience working to build affordable housing, as both a volunteer staffer and weekend warrior for Habitat for Humanity. Durham has made great strides in investing in affordable housing, but more is needed. Carl will advocate for a range of tools to expand affordable housing, including downpayment assistance, the construction and renovation of affordable homes, subsides and other incentives to encourage private development of affordable housing, and expanded property tax relief for low-income homeowners. Read more in my position paper on affordable housing.


Everyone in Durham deserves to live, work and play in an environment that supports their health and well being. Unfortunately, racial and ethnic disparities persist across the city. Related issues like gaps in access to transportation and housing and disparate impacts from pollution and climate change are impacting health across our community. To ensure the health of all, Durham must act wisely to protect our air, water and land resources. Carl understands the linkages between health and the environment and has advocated for the importance of a healthy and sustainable environment for current and future generations. On the City Council, Carl will continue to work for clean air, safe drinking water, renewable energy, reliable transportation, open spaces, access to nourishing food, and a stable climate for all. Read more in my position paper on how to build a healthier Durham.


All Durham residents deserve to be safe. Carl supports community-first approaches like the H.E.A.R.T. program that enhance our public safety systems. H.E.A.R.T. ensures our citizens in crisis get the help they need while allowing our police force to focus on genuine law enforcement. Read more in my position paper on community safety.